Use "tangent|tangents" in a sentence

1. And then you finally have tangent, tangent is equal to opposite over adjacent.

2. Normal, tangent and Binormal vectors form an orthonormal basis to represent tangent space

3. Tangent to This Conic

4. Tangent to This Curve

5. Anisotropy of 1/-1 is Maximally Anisotropic along the tangent/bi-tangent respectively." What

6. T is tangent to the trajectory.

7. Tangent to This Cubic Curve

8. It is really the tangent plane.

9. ‘The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and Cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.’ ‘I can't tell the difference between radians, tangents, Cotangents, secants, etc.’ ‘Since we want the Cotangent, just take the reciprocal to solve.’

10. ‘The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and Cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.’ ‘I can't tell the difference between radians, tangents, Cotangents, secants, etc.’ ‘Since we want the Cotangent, just take the reciprocal to solve.’

11. Procedure followed to get the values of logs, Antilogs, sines, tangents, cotangets, etc

12. The tangent of theta: opposite over adjacent.

13. Tangent: When a line meets the circle at one point or two Coincidings The line is known as points, a tangent

14. That's one way to define the tangent plane.

15. CORDIC algorithm with the two parameters arc tangent.

16. That's the equation of a tangent plane.

17. N for crossing angle tangent 1 in N

18. The tangent is an important concept in trigonometry.

19. Tangent: When a line meets the circle at one point or two Coincidings The line is known as points, a tangent

20. In the field of computer graphics, two orthogonal vectors tangent to a surface are frequently referred to as tangent and Binormal vectors

21. That is how we get the tangent plane.

22. 6.2 Inverse Tangent and Cotangent We can now apply the same methods used for inverse sine and cosine to construct inverses for tangent and Cotangent

23. This is just what " sine, " " cosine, " and " tangent " are.

24. We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane.

25. let's call it T, that is tangent to the trajectory.

26. Road alignment : The route of the road, defined as a series of horizontal tangents and curves.

27. The tangent may be used to find the direction.

28. Same as the tangent indicatrix except that the unit vector t moves in conjunction with (parallel to) the Binormal instead of the unit tangent

29. The Cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function

30. With Azimuthal projections, the UVplane is tangent to the globe

31. Maybe in terms of a slope of a tangent line.

32. It's called the tangent of an angle," and leave him alone.

33. The tables of logarithms of sines, secants, and tangents were also required for the purposes of navigation.

34. Sur les approximations « isotrope » et « Anisotrope » de l'opérateur tangent pour les méthodes tangentes incrémentale et affine On the ‘isotropic’ and ‘anisotropic’ approximations of the tangent operator in the incremental tangent and affine methods

35. And(, here's a tangent plane at the given point.

36. The IMTAN(string) function returns the tangent of a complex number

37. REM the angle Alpha from the tangent of the angle Alpha

38. Select the line that the new circle should be tangent to

39. So opposite over adjacent is equal to the tangent of x.

40. And that I needed to find the tangent, normal, and Binormal vectors

41. tan #°= tangent of the average angle of the human eye vision cone

42. Lambert's proof exploited a continued-fraction representation of the tangent function.

43. The IMTANH(string) function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number

44. Drag to add two arcs with adjustable radii and connecting tangent lines.

45. The tangent of the shearing angle corresponds to the demagnetization factor N.

46. The six trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and Cosecant

47. It's like talking about the tangent of the visual angle, all right?

48. The composite with 40% glass beads exhibited better dielectric loss and magnetic loss properties in the X band. Its dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent were 0.30 and 0. respectively.

49. The tangents to the cutting edges intersect the central axis at an angle greater than 10° and less than 90°.

50. Unguinal misprision non-Sabbatically Antiagglutination pretelegraph well-corked slippery Bohairic tangent-sawed oxyquinoline

51. List of trigonometric identities Half-side formula Tangent Of Halved Angle at Planetmath

52. The Binormal vector points in the direction around which the tangent vector turns

53. The six important trigonometric ratios are sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant and Cotangent

54. Rubber compositions and methods for decreasing the tangent delta value and abrasion index

55. The Binormal is the cross product of the tangent vector and the normal vector.

56. Thus there is a circle centered at E with both A B and A C as tangents, so A E Bisects the angle between those lines.

57. Since the Binormal vector is defined as the cross product of the unit tangent vector and the unit normal vector, also it is orthogonal to both the normal vector and the tangent vector

58. tangent of angle subtended by slope of 18 per cent and horizontal plane = 0,18

59. In trigonometry (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), Cotangent (cot), secant (sec), and cosecant (csc)

60. These identifications are always given by affine transformations from one tangent plane to another.

61. In the figure below, line AB is tangent to circle O at point A.

62. The angle is formed by the spinal plane and the line joining Condylare and Pogonion, both of which are shifted to the respective lower jaw bone tangents.

63. When a line meets the circle at one point or two Coincidings The line is known as points, a tangent. The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact

64. When a line meets the circle at one point or two Coincidings The line is known as points, a tangent. The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact

65. Because the Binormal vector is defined to be the cross product of the unit tangent and unit normal vector we then know that the Binormal vector is orthogonal to both the tangent vector and the normal vector

66. In a scalene right-angle triangle, the tangent of 65 ° is equal to eight over five.

67. Let T˜ = dα˜/ds be the unit tangent and ˜κ(s) the Curvature function under this

68. These vectors are the unit tangent vector, the principal nor-mal vector and the Binormal vector

69. Stay Home , Stay Safe and keep learning!!! Cotangent graph is opposite to that of tangent graph

70. 22° solar halo with parhelia and rare lower tangent arc at South Pole, 12 January 2009.

71. An angle of more than 50o (simple tangent along the deflection, base-line) indicates right atrial overloading.

72. "Tangent" indicates that the object or action is taking place next to, or alongside of something.

73. How many are tangentially sculpted because of the tools of creation (tangent-restricted solid modeling software)?

74. From the graphs of the tangent and Cotangent functions, we see that the period of tangent and Cotangent are both π \pi π.In trigonometric identities, we will see how to prove the periodicity of these functions using trigonometric

75. Figure 2.6: The tangent, normal, and Binormal vectors define an orthogonal coordinate system along a space curve

76. To find the Binormal vector, you must first find the unit tangent vector, then the unit normal vector

77. The notion of an affine connection was introduced to remedy this problem by connecting nearby tangent spaces.

78. In this language, an affine connection is simply a covariant derivative or (linear) connection on the tangent bundle.

79. The Cotangent, also referred popularly as cot or cotan of ∠x is defined as the reciprocal of its tangent

80. Learn how Cosecant, secant, and cotangent are the reciprocals of the basic trig ratios: sine, cosine, and tangent